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韦守源 神经-经络疗法

The Nuero-meridian Therapy

By Dr.Wei,Shouyuan

  韦守源 神经-经络疗法创始人。


  Dr. Wei,Shouyuan, the inventor of the Neuro-meridian Therapy.

  The Neuro-meridian Therapy (NT) is the major achievement from Dr. Wei, Shouyuan’s years of academic study and clinical practice. The core content of the Therapy includes the NT injection solution and the acupoint injection. The NT injection solution is one of the achievements from his scientific research when he worked at Guangxi Traditional Chinese Medicine University, which was named No. Gui(1998)00512, or 8011 injection; as to the acupoint injection, is a therapeutic method, guided by the theory of meridian (Jing Luo) and neurology. He injects the NT injection solution into acupoints, and triggers an electric-shock-like sensation that follows the meridian and neuro pathway.


  The Neuro-meridian Therapy (NT) can be applied to the central or/and peripheral nerve injuries and other difficult disease. For instance, cerebral thrombosis, muscular atrophy, myositis ossificans, thyrophyma, neurofibroma, hyperplasia of mammary glands, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, malignant tumor etc.. After years of clinical application, the Neuro-meridian Therapy was proven to be a quick, safe and reliable treatment method. It has become known internationally and complimented by many patients.  


  Statistics showed that the NT gives significant curative effects. During Dr. Wei’s nine-year practice in China, Malaysia, and Dubai of UAE in particular, he treated thousands of patients from over 100 countries. Through randomized, double-blinded, comparative study and reparative observation, the NT was repeatedly examined and its curative effect was astonishing.

  作为中国医生, 韦守源不远万里,漂洋过海,通过仁心仁术,运用其精湛和独特的医技,尽最大的能力治疗好每一个病患。在他眼里的病患,不分地域国籍、不分贵贱高低,不分性别、语言、肤色和人种,都能通过他的医术受到中医中药的裨益。

  As a Chinese doctor with a kindle heart and fine skill, despite all the trouble of distance, Dr. Wei came across the ocean provide healthcare to the best of his ability. In his eyes, there is no distinction between nations and regions, between the rich and the poor, between sexual gender, language, skin color and race. Every patient receive benefits from his Traditional Chinese Medicine therapy and herbal remedies.



  Dr. Wei is dedicated to promote the Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is holistic and profound. Yet he has found a way to add the advance scientific ideas and methodology of modern medicine into his invention. In his years of medical practice, he has found that the meridian connects the inner and outer, upper and lower parts of human body. It provides a bridge between Zang-visceral and Fu-visceral, between visceral and limbs and joints. It is also the route on which Qi and blood circulate,  at the meantime, furnishing the body. With these concepts in mind, he has not only uncovered the close connection of meridian and the onset, development of illness, and the best treatment method and the most ideal curative result as well. His Neuro-meridian Therapy is founded by conjoint theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern medicine, is unique and irreplaceable.


  The NT’s unique charm is not only recognized in China, in other countries as well. It has brought Dr. Wei the trust of patients and the attention of colleagues. On the Shenyang International seminar of Manipulation Technique and the Annual Academic Meeting of Traditional Remedy and Seminar on Dr. Sun, Huashan’s Theory, he was rewarded the name of the first Master of World Manipulation and Traditional Remedy.



















































































































































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